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Harry Hugo, Co-Founder of The Goat Agency

If Only They Knew Harry Hugo, the co-founder of Goat Harry Hugo co-founded Goat (a global social media and influencer marketing agency) in 2015 and has gone from strength to strength ever since, but what is his story? At age 16, a young Harry Hugo, like many other teens, felt that the academic life just wasn't for him as he wanted a "more direct and creative path to success". Therefore, he thought he'd get involved in the media industry, but was very quickly rejected by his local newspaper for being too young. However, this rejection didn't stop Harry as he then went on to work on his own project called Fresh Press, a football publishing group that started off as a website for Liverpool fans and then became very successful. After a couple of years, Fresh Press grew to over 60 websites and had a bigger digital writing team than the Daily Mail and this was all when Harry was just 18! After doing so well with Fresh Press, Harry then decided to test himself by joining the team at Sportslobster (a sports app startup) as their Social Media Manager after completing his A-Levels, it is here that he met his future co-founders of Goat, Arron Shepherd and Nick Cooke. After 3 years at the startup, the trio then started Goat in 2015, little did they know that were creating something HUGE! The team at Goat have seen great success, running great influencer campaigns for huge companies such as Lidl, British Airways, New Look and Chelsea FC. Not only has Goat worked with some greats names, but they have also made a great name for themselves through their exciting vlogs which showcase what life is like for the "herd" at Goat. LinkedIn seems to be a solid platform for both Harry and Goat, as the agency has gained over 17,000 followers and was currently listed as #8 on LinkedIn's ' Top Startups 2019 ' list. 2020 is set to be a great year for Harry and his team and we're sure they'll do even more great things throughout the year. To keep up with Harry's journey, visit: LinkedIn - Harry Hugo LinkedIn - The Goat Agency Twitter - @HarryHugoGoat Twitter - @TheGoatAgency Website - Goat

Harry Hugo, Co-Founder of The Goat Agency
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