Find out how practical manifestation techniques saved my life back in 2017 and led me to manifest £10k in cash, get my dream car and so much more.
How did I go from someone whose immune system had shut down because of a depression, to someone who is proud to be themselves and help others?
Before we get into it, let me introduce myself. I'm Ted Lawlor, the 26-year-old wellness entrepreneur from South London who came from (very) humble beginnings. Despite living in a rough area, I had my eyes on bigger things - quite literally, with the Shard being visible from my bedroom window.
(head to the bottom of this page to watch my full video explaining these techniques)

After years of feeling different, struggling with socialising, fighting in school (eventually being excluded) and never feeling like I fitted in, I stuck with it and still managed to achieve good grades at school and got the highest qualification possible at University.
However, this whole time that hole in my soul was still there, which led to the moment that changed my life forever. September 2017, after months of being "unconscious" and depressed, I woke up with a small mark on my face, which very quickly spread to cover most of my face. In a sheer panic, I flew to the Doctors who told me that my immune system has literally began to shut itself down because of how poor I was feeling mentally.
That was the warning signal for me. Things HAD to change before I quite literally died.
I then started researching things to help me, everything from Gary Vee's business motivation videos to Tony Robbins life coaching. After hours of research, I started to stumble across the likes of Dr Joe Dispenza, Wim Hof and Jim Rohn, which led to me beginning to understand what manifestation was.
This was the beginning. I'd watch a video on how the mind can help you achieve things in life and then be so excited to find out the science behind it, connecting visualisation to the likes of the Reticular Activating System, breathwork to the nervous system and goal setting to the mesolimbic system (our brain's reward centre).
After 7 years of research, I'm proud to say that I finally have a fool-proof toolkit of practical manifestation techniques that anyone can use to manifest more out of their brain, body and life. If only they knew that you cannot truly change anything in your external world in a positive way if you do not change anything in your internal world.
The Toolkit
Here is an overview of the tools that I used to save my life and begin achieving big goals of mine such as national press coverage, random cash wins, pursuing my dream business and so much more.
1: Breathwork
For me, meditation was the first thing I tried on my manifesting journey, but I sometimes struggled to stop my racing thoughts or stress from the outer world. So, I'd recommend starting off with breathwork to dive straight into the deep end and use the power of the breath to regain instant control over your autonomic nervous system (this is what causes you to go into fight or flight mode and is the thing causing you to feel stressed constantly).
I'll setup a safe space, often playing slow 432 Hz music as it's scientifically proven to help focus, with incense burning as my smell triggers (this is explained in my free community here) and I'd do 3 rounds of the following guided breathwork inspired by breathwork pioneer Wim Hof:
2: Visualisation
After resetting my nervous system with breathwork, I'd then use this calming feeling to guide my thoughts onto the future, visualising what I want and tapping into as many senses as I can. I'd often use audio triggers to spark the necessary emotions to get into my peak state for this.
How does visualising help you practically? Well, there's a part of your brain called the Reticular Activating System (RAS) that pro-actively looks out for what it thinks you want to see in the real world. For example, if you think of the colour red, the RAS will highlight any shade of red that you can see, or on the flip side, if you think you are not liked by people, the RAS will also look for things to prove this to you too. So, be careful of what you think about as what you think about, you will become - this is why positive affirmations are also important as the unconscious mind does not know the difference between what's real and what's not.
For my visualisations, I use my blink method shown here.
3: Meditation
The visualisation would then often lead directly into a meditation. Because I'd be doing all of this in the morning, it makes sense to tie in a priming meditation exercises from none other than Tony Robbins. This meditation allows you to tap into so many of the key elements of manifesting successfully, such as gratitude and abundance.
You can access the Tony Robbins priming meditation here:
4: Journaling
Once in my peak state, I'd then jot down my initial thoughts to get them out of my mind and onto the paper, which is a very useful method to freeing up mind space. I'd then use my journal to list my goals for the day as not only does this give me focus, but the process of ticking off your goals is actually scientifically proven to increase your happiness thanks to your mesolimbic system. This system is your brain's reward centre that wants you to achieve your goals as this is what it thrives off, so the more goals you set and hit, the more mental energy you get.
All of the above is a PERFECT routine to get you into your peak state in the morning, setting you up for a peaceful, yet productive day, giving you the best chance to manifest more from your life.
After months of using these techniques things began to quickly change for me, with new people and opportunities coming into my life unexpectedly. One of these unexpected moments was someone randomly tipping me off about a crypto investment which took a £300 punt into a £10k cashout, allowing me to buy my dream car outright.
Still looking for more? I detail all of the science behind manifesting in my 'Manifest More' program and I explain the science behind visualisation, both can be accessed here.
If you're interested in bettering your life or your business, I'd love for you to join my free wellness community (here) ahead of our first ever mini 'Mindset Workout' where I'll be teaching even more of my practical manifestation techniques.
