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Task Management Skills for Small Business Owners

Essential Task Management Skills for Every Small Business Owner

Time is of the essence, and when running your own small business, you really get to

understand this saying. Finding innovative ways of bringing your business dreams into

reality while managing daily tasks can sometimes be overwhelming.

Utilizing Technology

Task management software can be used for business owners working individually or with a

team of freelancers or assistants. The software available allows you to schedule tasks, add

collaborators, and then track the progress of the task and the input of the collaborators.

Visually tracking these tasks makes it much easier to get an overview of where you stand in

the running of your business.

Delegating Tasks

Don’t be afraid to get other professionals to help you. The UK is the second-fastest-growing

freelance market with individuals wanting to work with small business owners. Since they

are professionals in their field, they can complete the work much more quickly and efficiently than you may be able to. Many tasks can be outsourced, from bookkeeping to

video editing services and even social media management.

Effective Prioritization

Prioritizing your tasks is a great way of making the best of the time that you have. Make a

list of all the tasks that need completing. Take a good look at them and then rank them

according to

how important they are. A few indicators of how important a task is:

• Deadlines. Rank the tasks according to which ones are due first.

• Effort. Complete tasks that require more effort in the hours you're more productive.

• Be realistic. Give yourself a few main tasks per day and pair them with a few smaller

tasks. This helps you avoid being exhausted at the end of every day.

Effective Communication

Effective communication enables you to convey your ideas clearly and concisely to

colleagues and clients. When you communicate effectively, it cuts out time re-explaining

concepts, and that helps you be more productive. While verbal communication is useful,

emails and hard copies are easy for clients to refer to. 

Clear Desk, Clear Head

Get your paperwork and filing organized neatly and methodically. Ensure that your desk is

free of extra stationery and cables. A clear working space makes it easier for you to focus

on the task at hand and work comfortably. Your digital space also needs to be regularly

sorted out. Files and folders should be clearly labeled, and unnecessary files should be

deleted. Customer information records should be dealt with according to the ICO's

guidelines, with only necessary data kept. Your email inbox should only be for important

emails, so unsubscribe from email lists that just clutter your inbox.

Time Saving Management Skills

Since 2000, the number of SMEs in the UK has increased by 73% but it's also important to

note that 20% of small businesses fail in their first year. In London alone, there are 1.1

million SMEs. That's why it's crucial to do your research thoroughly and find out the best ways of running your small business efficiently and productively.

To keep up with the latest news for young business minds, be sure to stick with If Only They Knew.

This was a guest post by Marissa Perez of BusinessPop.



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